IHOP offers complimentary pancakes in observance of National Pancake Day.

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Prepare your eggs, butter, sugar, and lemon juice in advance of Pancake Day.

The history, customs, and advice for the ideal pancake day celebration in 2024

Tuesday, February 13, 2024, will be Pancake Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday), approximately one week earlier than it was in 2019.Pancake Day is an annual event celebrated by many around the world in the run-up to the Christian festival of Easter, regardless of whether you find satisfaction in crepe-style pancakes or you like the fluffy varieties generally seen in Scotland and the US.

The history, customs, and advice for the ideal pancake day celebration in 2024
Everything you need to know about Pancake Day, from its religious importance to mouth watering recipes you can try, is provided here:

When does it occur and what is involved?

Ash Wednesday is followed by a festival called Shrove Tuesday, which is also known as Pancake Day.
Ash Wednesday is the start of the Christian season of Lent, a forty-day fasting period that comes before Easter, a movable feast.

As a result, Ash Wednesday marks the final day that those who observe Lent can indulge on pricier meals before choosing to forgo them.

When does it occur and what is involved?
Pancake Day got its name because, over the ages, it became customary for people to celebrate the start of Lent by eating pancakes, a way to use up items that they would be forbidden from eating for the 40 days.

Pancake Day is usually observed 47 days ahead of Easter Sunday, although the Gregorian calendar gives a different date each year.
Tuesday, February 21st was the day of the yearly food-filled festival the previous year.
The origin of the name Shrove Tuesday, according to Historic UK, can be traced back to the practice of Anglo-Saxon Christians who were “shriven” of their sins by confessing them before Lent.

The day before the start of Lent is celebrated with a festival called Mardi Gras in a few nations, such as France, Germany, and the United States.

February 21st was the day of the yearly food-filled festival the previous year.
Fat Tuesday’, the celebrations frequently feature funfair events like grand parades.

What was the beginning of it?

In Britain, since the 16th century, there has been a custom of consuming pancakes at the start of Lent.
This happened because the elements that go into pancakes—eggs, butter, and fat—would normally be off limits during Lent, according to the Encyclopaedia of Traditional British Rural Sport.

According to the book’s writers, “it was customary in some parishes for the church bell to ring at noon as the signal for people to begin frying their pancakes.”

What was the beginning of it?

According to Historic UK, parishes still ring this bell, which earned the nickname “Pancake Bell.”

Although eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday has been a tradition for the last few centuries, the practice of observing Lent before Ash Wednesday dates back far further.

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It was customary for Christians to confess their sins in the week before Lent so that “the confessor shall so shrive him as he then may hear by his deeds what he is to do [in the way of penance],” according to the Anglo-Saxon Ecclesiastical Institutes, a text reportedly translated by writer Abbot Aelfric around 1000 AD.

a text reportedly translated by writer Abbot Aelfric around 1000 AD.
“Shrovetide,” the feast that precedes Lent’s fast, was observed for approximately a week centuries later, during the Western Christian Reformation movement of the 16th century.

How is it observed?

Mostly, though, the main reason why so many people celebrate Pancake Day is to overindulge in delicious pancakes.
A different pastime that some engage in is called “pancake racing,” which is exactly what it sounds like—racing while flipping pancakes in a frying pan.

It is thought that a woman who was baking pancakes on Pancake Day in 1445 lost track of time, which is when this custom started.
She fled her home and hurried to the church, all the while holding her frying pan with the pancake on top, as she heard the bell for the community to come to the church for confession.

How is it observed?

Participating in “mob football” matches is another way that some people in the UK commemorate Pancake Day.
Teams would kick a ball around on public highways as part of this centuries-old custom, which was more widespread in the past.
Some places, like Atherstone in Wawrickshire, nonetheless carry on the custom, even if many no longer engage in it.

Here are a few pancake recipes you should try.

You may make a tonne of different kinds of pancakes on Pancake Day, ranging from easy crepes with sugar and lemon juice to airy pancakes with chocolate spread and banana.

Here are a few pancake recipes you should try.
The Independent’s collection of delicious recipes is a great place to start if you need some inspiration.


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