“Luca Guadagnino tells Entertainment Weekly :-The director and stars of Challengers

“Luca Guadagnino tells Entertainment Weekly that the [love] triangle needs to flesh out the possibility that all the corners touch.”
The most enjoyable aspect of Challengers nearly didn’t occur.

Zendaya, Josh O’Connor, and Mike Faist are involved in a scandalous love triangle that takes place at centre court in director Luca Guadagnino’s captivating tennis thriller. The story starts when best friends Art (Faist) and Patrick (O’Connor) run into Zendaya, an ace tennis prodigy, and become immediately smitten with her. She finds their rivalry fascinating and, when they inquire as to which of them she would like, she steps up the ante and starts a three-way make-out in their hotel room. The hookup sends the three of them on a convoluted, disorganised journey for years as they compete for love and the title of greatest tennis player.

Nevertheless, it appears that Justin Kuritzkes’ original script did not call for the three-way kiss.

Courtesy of MGM Everett (Luca Guadagnino)

That wasn’t, in my opinion, originally in the script. In the least,” Guadagnino replies to Entertainment Weekly. We spoke extensively with Justin about the idea that the triangle should include the possibility that all the corners touch, i.e., that when you are jealous of someone, you are not only envious of your partner but also jealous of not being chosen by your opponent. You’re envious of not being included in it just as much as you are of your partner being selected because you want to be the object of your rival’s affections.”

Courtesy of MGM Everett (Luca Guadagnino)

“Yeah, there were some drafts… Luca and Justin worked on the script in Italy before we even all got together,” Zendaya says in agreement. Though the initial work was quite wonderful, I think [Kuritzkes] hadn’t really gone through many iterations.

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Luca wanted to add his own touches, so that cooperation began pretty early on.”The director sought to build on the “usefulness and fun” of the hotel room sequence as he and Kuritzkes collaborated on the script.


Because of how the kiss sequence would affect the remainder of the movie, Guadagnino wasn’t willing to cut away from it too soon once they had determined its primary goal.

It all came down to me sticking there, staying with them, keeping with the jokes, and eventually staying through the embarrassing moment, the exciting moment, and show the geometry the movie sets up in that moment, the power that she had over them,” he elaborates.
Faist describes how the three actors met Guadagnino and Kuritzkes for rehearsals in Boston that lasted six weeks. As they collaborated on the script, they talked about “the characters and the scenes and the arc and everything.”

complications to various aspects of the story and these characters without really changing the dialogue too much. Instead, he put them in scenarios that let the characters express themselves in terms of how they react to certain kinds of situations and why they do so. Thus, it changed and evolved. And that isn’t unusual. However, certain items were undoubtedly added or changed.”

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